Social-Emotional Empowerment (SEE)
Unlock Your Students Potential with First Gen Legacy Masterclasses
What Our
Services Include
These classes offer a comprehensive approach, starting from self-discovery and moving towards overcoming challenges, critical thinking, and creating social change. Each class has a unique focus that builds upon the previous one, ultimately guiding participants toward personal growth and broader community impact.
These masterclasses on Social-Emotional Empowerment are available both in-person and through Zoom, offering flexibility to meet your preferences and needs.
Your student’s journey to genius begins here.
Experience Options:
You have the freedom to choose a single masterclass that resonates with your students, create a Journey to Mastery with up to six topics, or dive into the ultimate Genius Experience with our entire catalog of all thirteen content areas.
Dive deep into a specific topic that resonates with your students.
Journey to Mastery
(3 Master Classes):
Select one of our pre-curated curriculums to maximize your students personal, social, or belonging needs.
Genius Experience
(All 13 Master Classes):
Your students will embark on a comprehensive journey of self-discovery and personal growth and unlock their genius.
Journey to Mastery Series (6 Hours):
Select one of our pre-curated curriculums to maximize your students personal, social, or belonging needs.
Cultivating Your Genius:
Cultivating Your Genius, Cultivating Your Strengths, Utilizing Your Strengths, Visualizing Your Genius with Soul Collage, You Belong.
Thriving Through Challenges:
3 Tools You Need to Thrive While Doing Hard Things, Liberating Students from Imposter Syndrome Monster, Not Just Surviving But Thriving in College, Critical Thinking – Aquí Estoy y No Me Voy (I’m Here and I’m Not Leaving).
Empowering Change:
Mind the Gaps – Solve the Inequities, Dismantling Oppressive Systems to Create a More Just World, Paying It Forward – Giving Back to Your Communities, Empowering Change with SEE.
Masterclass Series (13 Hours):
Your students will embark on a comprehensive journey of self-discovery and personal growth and unlock their genius.
Cultivating Your Genius
Cultivating Your Strengths
Utilizing Your Strengths
3 Tools You Need to Thrive while Doing Hard Things
Mind the Gaps - Solve the Inequities
Dismantling Oppressive Systems to Create a More Just World
You Belong
Liberating Students from Imposter Syndrome Monster
Not Just Surviving But Thriving in College
Paying It Forward - Giving Back Your Communities
Visualizing Your Genius with Soul Collage
Critical Thinking - Aqui estoy y no me voy - I’m Here and I’m not Leaving
Empowering Change with SEE
Discovery (1-2 Hours):
Choose a single class to help your students discover a specific topic that resonates with them.
Cultivating Your Genius
Cultivating Your Strengths
Utilizing Your Strengths
3 Tools You Need to Thrive while Doing Hard Things
Mind the Gaps - Solve the Inequities
Dismantling Oppressive Systems to Create a More Just World
You Belong
Liberating Students from Imposter Syndrome Monster
Not Just Surviving But Thriving in College
Paying It Forward - Giving Back Your Communities
Visualizing Your Genius with Soul Collage
Critical Thinking - Aqui estoy y no me voy - I’m Here and I’m not Leaving
Empowering Change with SEE
Are you ready to help your students step into their genius through social emotional empowerment?
Book your free consultation, where we will discuss your program needs and how to tailor our services to your students.
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We also offer a variety of services to help other non TRIO organizations. Schedule a consultation appointment to explore your organization’s unique needs.